Sara Ekenstierna, lic. Psychologist

Sara Ekenstierna is founder of Ekenstierna Psykologkonsult and Oakstar Coaching & Consulting. She is s licensed psychologist in practice in Sweden. Sara has a Master of Science in Psychology (5+2 years) from Lund University in Sweden and University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. She has in addition studied Gender Science at Malmo University in Sweden. Sara is currently completing a PhD by research at University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where she a recipient of the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (2021-2024). Dissertation title: The Part-whole Relation and a Therapeutic Third. Applying the Holistic Thought of Otto Rank and David Bohm to Contemporary Psychotherapy (forthcoming 2024).

Psychologist Sara Ekenstierna

Sara has almost 20 years’ worth of experience in the field, spanning private practice, psychiatry and organizational psychology. She focuses on STDP (short term psychodynamic therapy) underpinned by existential thought.  Sara also has experience working with ACT (acceptance commitment therapy) and Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

Sara is a published writer. She was a columnist for the popular Swedish professional magazine Psykologtidningen. Her work is also published in the daily newspaper Skanska Dagbladet, on LinkedIn, YouTube and on online sites such as the The Psychology Network, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, and Positive Psychology and Spirituality: The Crossroads.

Sara is a frequent speaker at conferences and a fellow of five divisions of the American Psychological Association (Division 10: The Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts; Division 29: Society for the advancement in Psychotherapy; Division 32: Society for Humanistic Psychology; Division 24: Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology; Division 39: Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology; as well as of the American Philosophical Association. 

Sara’s research topics include health and wellbeing; relational therapy;  existential-integrative discourse including the philosophy of quantum relativistic physics and psychology; humanistic psychodynamic theory; and mystical philosophy. Read more:,, and Psychology Today.


Sara Ekenstierna är legitimerad psykolog med praktik i Malmö City. Hon var tidigare krönikör på Psykologtidingen och är f n forsknings doktorand på University of Queensland i Australien, där hon är mottagare av Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (2021-2024). Läs mer: ResearchGate.

Sara har nästan 20 års erfarenhet i branschen, huvudsakligen från privat praktik och psykiatri, men även från organisatorisk psykologi. Sara är utbildad vid Lunds Universitet och vid University of Victoria i British Columbia, Kanada. Hon har även studerat Genus Vetenskap vid Malmö Universitet. Hennes expertis är inom psychodynamisk korttidsbehandling (STDP) underbyggd av existentiell filosofi. Sara arbetar även med ACT (acceptance commitment therapy); och Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

Sara har en särskild passion för arbete med: hälsa och välmående; relationer; själv-aktualisering; kriser; förändringsprocesser; personlig och professionell utveckling.

Pga av resor i anslutning till nuvarande forskning ser Sara f n bara svenska klienter online.

Läs mer om Sara Ekenstierna: Psykologiguiden, Therapy Route, eller Bokapsykolog.

Varmt välkommen att ta kontakt!


Oakstar Coaching & Consulting  

Sara no longer accepts inquiries for personal development sessions in Australia, due to relocation.

(Note that Sara is not a registered psychologist in Australia.)



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